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Creation Nation + Snack Magic

Hey friends, Creation Nation is now on SnackMagic!! :)) SnackMagic is the only snack delivery service that lets people pick which goodies they get from a unique menu of snack options, like Creation Nation's No-bake Energy Bite Mixes! 

You can treat anyone, anywhere to a personalized snack box with SnackMagic. And you know we're all about personalization at Creation Nation, so it's a match made in snack Heaven.

SnackMagic is the snack box that takes all the pressure off of gifting and corporate gifting. All you do is fund the gift and enter the recipient’s email address. Then they pick their snacks, SnackMagic ships to their door, and you sit back and look like a gift-giving hero! :))

Everyone and their mom loves this gift. Why? 

1) They get to customize it the way they want it. (Just like your protein balls & energy bites with Creation Nation)

2) It’s a unique, fun break from the norm. (Like our No-bake Mixes)

3) Hello, it’s SNACKS. (Need we say more ;)

Check it out here:

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