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PB&J Overnight OATS Get An Upgrade on National Peanut Butter Day!

Overnight Oats, another wonderful food hack that can be made with our Vegan Energy Bar Mix and taken on the go. Overnight oats get an "upgrade" because all the fixin's are in the mixin's... Creation Nation, Energy Bar Mix is powered with gluten free oats, organic flaxseed meal, organic coconut, chocolate chips, organic vanilla, and more.

So grab your favorite mason jar (or any sealable container) and follow this quick, healthy recipe for a delicious power breakfast on the go!

  1. Start with a layer of peanut butter or jam at the bottom of your jar.
  2. Add 1/2 Cup Energy Bar Mix & 1/2 Cup Liquid.
  3. Add a spoonful of fruit jam or peanut butter for a middle layer.
  4. Add 1/2 Cup Energy Bar Mix & 1/2 Cup Liquid.
  5. Close lid and allow to sit overnight. In the morning the oats will have softened and soaked up the liquid.
  6. Top with another dallop of peanut butter and/ or fruit on top. ENJOY!

(alternatively you can simply mix the 4 ingredients together rather than layering parfait style)

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